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- Turbo Silver Addendum Oct 3, 1988
- ===================== ===========
- As usually happens, we made a few changes and additions to the Turbo Silver
- program, after the the manuals were already printed. This text file will
- detail those changes to your Turbo Silver 3.0 program. You may want to
- print out this text file, and place the changes in you "Turbo Silver"
- Manual.
- =================
- The file formats for both cells and objects are radically different in
- Turbo 3.0, than the format which was used in version 2.0. Turbo 3.0 will
- automatically read version 2.0 objects and cells and save them out in the
- new more efficient 3.0 format. This will allow you to read all of your
- previously created cells and objects, as well as those objects created by
- "3-Demon" from Mimetics, "Interchange" from Syndesis, and "Fancy Fonts"
- from Access. Scripts however, are not compatible between the two versions.
- Also, objects and cells saved in version 3.0 format cannot be used by
- version 2.0.
- ===============================
- Objects and cells created from our "TERRAIN" program are directly loadable
- in Turbo Silver version 3.0. However, waves and cells containing water,
- may not render properly in "SOLID MODEL" mode if they are IFF wrapped.
- If the object renders black or just dissappears, then you need to set the
- Filter values all to "0" on the object.
- ==============
- As we all can make mistakes, or change our minds, we have now provided 2
- means of escape in the "Object Editor" portion of the program. You can
- exit ANY of the "Super Requesters" bringing you back to the editor surface
- in the object editor without applying changes, by pressing the "ESCAPE" or
- <ESC> key. You can also exit the "Object Editor" portion of the program
- without updating the current cell file on disk, by selectine the "Escape"
- option from the "EDIT" menu or by pressing the "Left Amiga <[> key.
- ================
- Version 2.0 of Turbo Silver uses a property called "Shiny". Any objects
- which contain the "Shiny" attribute will be changed to "Glossy" in
- Turbo Silver. These attributes are somewhat similar, but they are not
- exactly alike. Some experimentation with the "filter" values may be
- necessary to get the effects you desire using the new glossy mode.
- ===================
- At the request of a number of users, and to make it easier for you to
- determine the area you want to test trace when using the "SET ZONE"
- function, we have added a method to allow you to pick the zone from a
- wire frame view of your scene. To use this function, simply pick the
- "SET ZONE" menu item from the "VIEW" menu in the "OBJECT EDITOR". You may
- also use the "Left Amiga" <]> key. A wire frame view of you current
- scene will be displayed on the screen. You can then use the mouse to
- pick the desired "zone" in the same manner as the "SET ZONE" function in
- the "ANIMATION" portion of the program.
- =====
- We have added several more command to the MOVIE scripting feature to allow
- you even more control over your animations. The new commands are:
- RATE - This command allows you to vary the rate of animation playback
- during an animation. The rates correspond to the FUNCTION keys,
- and the "+" and "-" keys used in Turbo Silver and the Turbo
- Silver stand alone PLAYER.
- Syntax - RATE 12
- The rates correspond to the funtion keys in the
- following manner:
- === ====
- <F1> 0 Rates correspond to the function keys in
- <F2> 6 in multiple units of "6". Selecting
- <F3> 12 numbers which are between units of "6"
- <F4> 18 allows fine tuning of the speed similar
- <F5> 24 to using the "+" and "-" keys from the
- <F6> 30 keyboard.
- <F7> 36
- <F8> 42
- <F9> 48
- <F10> 54
- PAUSE - This command allows you to pause on a single frame in an animation
- for a specified amount of time. The time is computed in both
- seconds and "jiffies" (1/60th of a second).
- Syntax - PAUSE 5.47
- (This would pause the frame 5 and 47/60ths seconds)
- HOLD - This command will stop the animation on a single frame and hold
- there until the <SPACE BAR> is depressed. When using the HOLD
- command as the last command in the script, be aware that depressing
- the <SPACE BAR> will loop the animation if "LOOP" has been
- selected from the play menu, and the animation will end if "ONCE"
- has been selected from the play menu.
- BLACK - This command will insert a black frame in the animation. The screen
- will go to black and then resume the animation. It is advisable that
- you place a PAUSE command before and after the BLACK command to give
- a smooth transition to the animation.
- LOCK - These commands will lock or free the color pallete during the
- FREE creation of an animation. The commands take effect on the
- animation immediately after the command. This can be especially
- usefull when creating animations of combined pictures from more than
- 1 previously rendered Turbo Silver File, or importing converted RGBN
- pictures from other programs.
- =============
- For those users who would like to have their wire frame animations in a color
- other than white, we have added an additional entry to the "silver.config"
- file. The command is called "WIRE". The entries for this new addition are
- identical to the other color settings in the "silver.config". We have set
- the "WIRE" command to default to YELLOW, or "ff0", as with the other
- settings in the "silver.config" file, these setting can be changed to what
- ever you prefer. Please refer to your Turbo Silver manual, appendix A for
- a complete explanation of the settings.
- ======
- With the release of version 3.0, A new standalone player is also on the
- disk. This new PLAYER will play any animation created by any previous
- version of Silver or Turbo Silver. But, the previous version of the
- PLAYER will not play Turbo Silver 3.0 Animations.